Xpress Web Development - SEO - Search Engine Optimization

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Welcome to Xpress Web Development & Marketing
     Success depends on many factors and you probably have most of them in place. But what about the few pieces that are missing? Is your website optimized for search engines? Do you need a logo or help building your brand? Maybe you just need some new ideas or help with some of the tech details. With a background in art and design added to our tech skills, we can look at the whole puzzle and help you fill in the missing pieces.
   Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the single best thing you can do to improve your buisness. But SEO isn't just one thing, it is a huge complicated web of tiny details that all have to be integrated on a website to be effective. Proper keyword research, effective copy wrighting and technical aspects like alt tags and meta data are just a few of the puzzle pieces you need to rank well on Google and other search engines and ultimately get found by your customers. Lucky for you we know how all those pieces fit together!
    When building a website, the design is equally as important as the tech aspect, but most companies can only offer one or the other. You either get a good looking website, or you get a website that can rank well in the search engines. With a background in art and design and over 20 years of web design and search engine optimization experience (that's right, we were doing this before Google was even created!) we can give you a great looking website that can get found and is easy for your customers to use!
Check out some of our happy customers!
     If you are ready to amp up your marketing campaigns, we can help. We will work with you to develop the best marketing plan for your business and your budget. With the right knowledge, you can do most of your marketing for little to no cost! From Google Ads to Facebook and other social media channels, we can find the right fit for you. We also can help with printed marketing materials like buisness cards and flyers! What better way to build your brand than to have access to a comprehensive marketing program.
    Having an in house graphics department lets us give you professionally designed cards in the shortest time possible. You don't need to be an expert in Photoshop or have any artistic talent, in fact, you don't have to worry about a thing. We can help you with web and print ads! We are happy to work with any existing artwork you have or we can create something for you. It's just one more piece of the puzzle we can help you fill in!
    This is how we help you fill in the rest of the puzzle pieces. Need a better website? We can do that. Need someone to explain Facebook or Twitter? We can do that too. Maybe you just need some to give you tips on establishing a web presence or maybe you need someone to optimize your website for the search engines? Well, we can even do that! We can tailor our web design and consulting services to your unique situation thus providing the best value for your money. Not sure what you need? Don't worry, we can get you on the track to SUCCESS.